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22 posts tagged with "scaling"

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Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since September 2023, the Hydra project has achieved several milestones, including the release of version 0.13.0, which focused on security fixes, inline datums support, improved stability, and state persistence. The project roadmap was updated for version 0.14.0. Key developments include enhancing network resilience, creating a Hydra Poll DApp for the Cardano Summit, and upgrading the toolchain to GHC 9.6 and Brick 1.10. Community contributions were highlighted, such as the Hypix project integrating CIP-68 NFTs, Kupo's integration with Hydra, and progress on offline mode for Hydra nodes. The Hydra-for-voting project was revived to improve on-chain voting processes.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since August 2023, the Hydra project has made several important strides. The roadmap remained largely unchanged, focusing on clarifying upcoming features. Notable updates include completing support for inline datums in the commit API and making progress on network resilience, particularly in handling node crashes and disconnections. The work on incremental commits and decommits has been split into two features, with ongoing design discussions. A workshop in Nantes, France, brought together the Hydra and Mithril teams, where they explored topics like Aiken validator experiments and the concept of a "Shallow cardano-node" using Mithril to streamline Hydra node operations. Additionally, the team worked on refactoring the chain state to improve storage efficiency and maintain backward compatibility.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since July 2023, the Hydra project has made significant progress, including the release of version 0.12.0, which introduced support for cardano-node 8.1.2, authenticated messages, event-sourced persistence, new API endpoints, and security fixes. The project roadmap has been updated to prioritize network resiliency and incremental commit/decommit features for version 0.13.0. The team also updated the Hydra tutorial to include Mithril and prepared for a Hydra master class at RareEvo 2023, which had positive feedback. In addition, the team participated in Catalyst Fund10, reviewing several proposals related to Hydra and Mithril.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since June 2023, the Hydra project released version 0.11.0, enhancing external wallet support and transaction processing, and deprecating internal commits. The team improved security with authenticated network messages and optimized protocol performance by sending only transaction IDs in snapshots. They also addressed a multi-signature verification bug via GitHub security advisories and updated to GHC 9.2.7, improving compatibility and Plutus script efficiency. The Starmap update focused on making Hydra more accessible and preparing for mainnet deployment.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since May 2023, the Hydra team has focused on several key developments, preparing for the upcoming version 0.11.0 release. Notable updates include allowing commits with multiple UTXOs, enhancing off-chain performance, and introducing commits from external wallets. The team also benchmarked Hydra Head performance, identified persistence as a bottleneck, and made improvements based on real-world usage. Community engagement included planning a Hydra workshop and concluding the Hydra for Auctions project, which successfully demonstrated moving smart contracts from layer 1 to layer 2 for enhanced scalability.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since March 2023, the Hydra project made significant progress, focusing on preparing for the 0.10.0 release, which will be the first mainnet-compatible version. Key developments include updates to the configurable API, enhancements to the Hydra specification, and fixing script continuity issues. The team also addressed a rollback bug that affected the opening of Hydra heads on the mainnet. Community projects like Hydra for Voting and Hydra for Auctions are advancing, driving API discussions and exploring new use cases like ballot voting and NFT auctions on both L1 and L2.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since March 2023, the Hydra project made significant progress, focusing on preparing for the 0.10.0 release, which will be the first mainnet-compatible version. Key developments include updates to the configurable API, enhancements to the Hydra specification, and fixing script continuity issues. The team also addressed a rollback bug that affected the opening of Hydra heads on the mainnet. Community projects like Hydra for Voting and Hydra for Auctions are advancing, driving API discussions and exploring new use cases like ballot voting and NFT auctions on both L1 and L2.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since February 2023, the Hydra project released version 0.9.0, which brought significant on-chain and off-chain updates, including cost reductions in Plutus scripts, improved mutation testing, and the addition of a new tutorial. The focus now shifts to making Hydra mainnet compatible, with version 0.10.0 being the first mainnet-ready release. The roadmap was updated, prioritizing API configurability and marking less-demanded features as ideas for discussion. The team also optimized on-chain scripts and improved Hydra's UX. A key milestone was opening a Hydra head on the Cardano mainnet during a team workshop in Austria.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since January 2023, the Hydra project has made significant progress. Version 0.9.0 was released, incorporating on-chain and off-chain updates, with a focus now on achieving mainnet compatibility for version 0.10.0. The roadmap was updated to align with 2023 objectives, including new items like creating a use case-centric roadmap and opening the specification with a change process. Key development work included aligning the implementation with the HeadV1 specification, improving Hydra transaction profiling, and addressing off-chain protocol logic. Community efforts included audit guidelines, a new tutorial, and ongoing collaborations like Hydra for Payments and Hydra for Voting. The Hydra project also expanded its presence on Discord to engage more with the community.

Monthly Cardano Scaling Report

Since December 2022, the Hydra project has made progress on several fronts. The team focused on aligning the implementation with the HeadV1 protocol specification, addressing gaps in the on-chain scripts, and improving the mutation test framework. The roadmap was slightly updated, with new items like creating a use case-centric roadmap. Community efforts include the Hydra for Voting project and a lite paper on Hydra for auctions. The team also outlined key themes for 2023, including achieving mainnet maturity, increasing adoption, and promoting sustainable open-source development. The goal is to position Hydra as a maintainable, community-driven project.