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7 posts tagged with "education"

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An Introduction to the Cardano Blockchain

Cardano Foundation
Not-for-profit organization

Cardano is a third-generation, layer 1 blockchain that enhances scalability, security, and efficiency, building on the strengths of Bitcoin and Ethereum while addressing their limitations. It employs a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, using its native cryptocurrency, ada, for governance and network security. Cardano’s extended UTXO model supports secure, deterministic smart contracts, making it ideal for enterprise-grade applications. Its rigorous, peer-reviewed development approach, diverse use cases, and evolving governance model position Cardano as a leading platform for decentralized applications, tokenization, and blockchain solutions across multiple industries.


6 Things to Look Forward to From Intersect

For-profit arm of Cardano

In 2024, Cardano is transitioning to a fully community-run governance structure, with Intersect playing a crucial supporting role. Six key developments to expect include:

  1. Cardano Constitution workshops: Intersect will organize workshops to gather community feedback for drafting the Cardano Constitution.
  2. Cardano Constitutional Convention: Set for December 2024, this event in Buenos Aires will present and potentially ratify the final Constitution.
  3. DRep launch: The first batch of Delegate Representatives (DReps) will begin operating, enabling direct community participation in governance.
  4. Intersect grants: Intersect will provide grants for technical projects and event organization.
  5. Community hubs: Intersect will support local gatherings and hackathons to unite the Cardano ecosystem.
  6. Governance educational videos: Intersect will release video series to educate the community on Cardano governance.


Blockchain Basics: A Simple Guide for Beginners

Cardano Foundation
Not-for-profit organization

Blockchain technology, initially linked to cryptocurrencies, now impacts various sectors by offering a decentralized, secure method for data management. A blockchain is a digital ledger of cryptographically linked data blocks, ensuring immutable records across a network of nodes. Unlike cryptocurrencies, blockchain serves broader applications beyond digital currency transactions.

Invented by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, and popularized by Satoshi Nakamoto's Bitcoin white paper, blockchain addresses double-spending issues. It operates through nodes validating transactions, forming secure, tamper-proof records. Blockchain types include public, private, consortium, and hybrid, each suited for different use cases like supply chains, legal processes, digital assets, intellectual property, and voting systems.

Blockchain Basics

5 Blockchain Learning Trends

For-profit arm of Cardano

Blockchain education is evolving with increased mainstream interest and diverse learner backgrounds. Here are five trends:

  1. Government Engagement: Governments are integrating blockchain services and creating educational programs for public sector employees.
  2. University Courses: Universities are expanding blockchain education to undergraduate and non-technical programs.
  3. Corporate Training: Companies are embracing blockchain, offering employee education through corporate programs.
  4. Non-Technical Learning: Blockchain courses for non-technical people are growing, focusing on user security and industry practices.
  5. Open Education Resources (OER): Universities are issuing blockchain-backed credentials and creating OER, attracting UNESCO’s attention.

5 blockchain learning trends

Popular Wallet Scams

For-profit arm of Cardano

Crypto scams are rising with market growth. Common scams include fake URLs, fake wallet apps, and unsolicited airdropped tokens/NFTs directing users to malicious sites. Protect yourself by verifying URLs, using secure connections (https://), avoiding unsolicited messages, and never sharing your seed phrase. Always download wallets from official sources and double-check transaction details before signing. Bookmark verified sites and use browser tools to confirm website authenticity. Stay vigilant to safeguard your assets.

popular wallet scams

Cardano Wallets Starter Guide

Cardano wallets, essential for blockchain interaction, range from hot wallets for convenience, cold storage for security, to full node wallets for transaction validation. Hot wallets like Nami, Typhon, Eternl, VESPR, and Lace offer various features. Cold storage options Ledger, Trezor, and Keystone provide offline security. The full node wallet Daedalus ensures maximum security by validating transactions locally. Each type caters to different user needs.

Cardano Wallets Starter Guide

The Cardano Academy is live

Cardano Foundation
Not-for-profit organization

Hello, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Cardano Academy. The first certified course, Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) Course, is now available. Enhance your blockchain knowledge with educational materials and gamified learning. Start for free with flexible, on-the-go access.

cardano academy